Liturgical Ministries

Altar Servers – Boys and girls grades 5 through 8 may serve as ministers at    Liturgy. They will assist the priest and deacon at the altar and carry the cross and candles in procession when necessary. Training is given yearly for interested candidates. CONTACT PERSON: Marge Czarnik, (402) 493-2186;

Accompanists/Cantors/Small Groups – Any singer, pianist or other instrumentalist is invited to help lead our congregation in musical worship. CONTACT PERSON: Gene Klosner, (402) 707-0760;

Contemporary Choir – 6th Grade to adult. The choir practices at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday evenings and sings 2-3 Masses per month during the school year. CONTACT  PERSON: Gene Klosner, (402) 707-0760;

Bell Choir – This choir practices at 7:30 p.m. on the Wednesday before Sunday mass once a month. CONTACT PERSON: Jo Anne Barnes, (402) 493-1137;

Youth Choir – This choir is for 3rd through 8th grade students, and sing at Mass once a month during the school year, with a Tuesday rehearsal 6:45-8:00 p.m. CONTACT  PERSON: Gene Klosner, (402) 707-0760;

Church Decorators (Seasonal) – This committee assists in the arranging, preparing and removal of the liturgical setting to reflect the seasonal calendar—Christmas and Easter. CONTACT PERSON: Barb Dagerman, (402) 493-4563;

Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion – These people distribute communion during masses. Individuals who have been mandated by the Archdiocese of Omaha or their former diocese are invited to become an E.M.H.C. at St. Elizabeth Ann. For new E.M.H.C.’s, the formal instruction and mandation ceremony is held by the diocese once a year in September. Training is also given from our parish E.M.H.C. coordinators. High school students who are juniors or seniors are eligible to become E.M.H.C.’s. Volunteer E.M.H.C.’s are also needed to distribute communion to our homebound parishioners. CONTACT PERSON(S): Marge Czarnik, (402) 493-2186;

Greeters – Parishioners who are living out the call to stewardship by warmly welcoming everyone as they enter Church for mass. Greeters are visibly present to answer simple questions and to provide information and direction to all parishioners and anyone visiting St. Elizabeth Ann Seton for liturgy. CONTACT PERSON(S):Marge Czarnik, (402) 493-2186;

Lectors – Parishioners are invited to proclaim the Word of God on Sundays and Holy Days.  Lectors, if married, must be validly married in the Church.  One training session by the Archdiocese and a mass of commissioning by the Archbishop is required. CONTACT PERSON: Marge Czarnik, (402) 493-2186;

Ushers – These men and women usher people to their pews, take up collections and hand out bulletins. CONTACT PERSON: NEEDED